Welcome to the Grounded Roots Permaculture Community!
The Grounded Roots Permaculture Community
near Dorfen
is a project whose aim is to
bring together
permaculture and social living in a rural setting.
Permaculture is concerned with
the design of stable living systems
based on observation of nature
and according to the ethics earth care, people care and fair share.
The concrete goal of the project is to redesign a farm,
both as a stable ecosystem and as a place for community.
main field of activities
- gardening
- reforestation and other ecological projects
- permaculture
- non-violent
- inner growth
- humor
- children
- music
- affordable living
- craft work
- renewable energies
- new technologies
- open-source
- bio-construction
- car sharing
- bicycles
- sport
- yoga
- open-mindedness
- 💚 We appreciate spontaneous visits.
- 💚 Working guests can stay with us according to prior arrangement (free board and lodging).
- 💚 New community members are welcome.